Monday, April 23, 2007

Veiled or not?!

1347 warnings & guidance

117 detainees

59 referred cases to the court

20 sealed clothes shops

47 attached cars

After calling a halt to those who are assumed to be badly veiled, Iranian police have started a confrontation with the women in the streets under the name of increasing the social security! Above mentioned are the statistics for the first day of the challenging campaign, started at April 21.

Along with the launched campaign of the police, you can see some biased TV reports in which, people in the street just accept that "bad hijab" ones have lots of bad effects on the society & even appreciate the police to confront them!

It's not the first year that the police forces are trying to make people obey the governmental dress codes which are said to be originated from Islam. Every year, at the beginning of the hot seasons, such limitative police moves could be seen in the streets. This year, however, it's been started sooner & in a more restricted way as it seems. Also for the first time it is said that the codes for men's dress are going to be announced. Maybe men & women are reaching equality in being arrested at least!

Picture: AFP/Behrouz Mehri

PS.: It was just a snapshot. You can read more about these challenges about hijab in Iran, in the next days.


Anonymous said...

Islam is all about freedome and being who you are.
prophet mohammad never forced people to become muslims!
This just shows that our government doesnt even know the first rules of Islam!
Nice writing, you have!
take care

Roozbeh said...

You are right dear Nafise
in my opinion at least, you are right. That's what is in my mind these days too & I'll write about it in the next look to this confrontation. I hope I can.
very nice to read your words again
have a nice life

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

in my beleifs, none of these kinds of job are because of islam,they jus want to hide what they have done whith the culture of our country in these years.